Everyone is different and the root canal procedure can be simple or more complex. Your endodontist will likely advise whether you should go home for the balance of the day or if you are okay to return to work or school.
Factors to Consider
There are many variables that could dictate how you may feel following a root canal … which tooth was treated, how many roots were involved, and their specific positioning may mean a longer procedure.
Your endodontist will numb the area with a local anesthetic; depending on your job, your speech may be affected making a return to work or school on the same day a little more challenging.
Time of day may help you decide whether or not you should go home. An early morning procedure may allow you to return sooner, but you may benefit more to return home following a mid-afternoon root canal.
In the majority of cases, a return to work or school is allowed the following day. However, if the tooth involved was seriously infected, you may need more time for swelling to improve or discomfort to subside.
Who Determines When I Can Return?
You are more knowledgeable about your own abilities than anyone. However, you should follow the advice provided by your endodontist. If they recommend you go home for the balance of the day, they know the extent of treatment that was performed and can probably guess how you will feel once the anesthetic wears off.
While a root canal is usually no more uncomfortable than what is experienced following a dental filling, if the procedure took more time than expected, you may experience a sore jaw from having to have your mouth held open for an extended period.
If your dentist has recommended root canal treatment, contact our team at Access Endodontics and schedule your consultation today.