Trauma or damage to your mouth can also lead to trauma or damage to your teeth. When a tooth is cracked, bacteria can enter the root canal, which houses the soft tooth pulp. If this tissue becomes infected, you might require the services of an endodontist. Responding quickly in a situation where a tooth has been damaged can increase the chances that you’ll be able to keep your tooth.
Dealing with a Dental Emergency
If you experience a dental emergency, quick action might be necessary to prevent the loss of your tooth. If there is bleeding, use gauze to get it under control. If a tooth has been knocked out, preserve it in a small cup of water or milk and take it with you to the dentist. Knocked-out fillings or loosened crowns can be held in place with dental adhesive or toothpaste.
As with any emergency, you should seek the assistance of a professional as soon as possible. The worse the damage appears to be, the more crucial it is that you get to a dentist right away. Once the dentist has seen you and has diagnosed your problem, you can talk about the most appropriate treatment.
When Would I Need an Endodontist?
If a tooth has been cracked or broken off, you might require a trip to an endodontist for a root canal procedure. This can make it possible for you to keep your tooth even if it has been seriously damaged. Your endodontist removes any damaged or infected tissue from your tooth’s interior, which will prevent it from spreading anywhere else in your mouth, or into the rest of your body. The tooth is then disinfected and filled with a sterile resin that helps keep the tooth intact. A crown is added, as well, so the new tooth can stand up to everyday chewing pressure.
Without the tooth pulp, your tooth will not be able to sense heat, cold, or pressure, but you have other teeth that can take on that role. In the meantime, you’ve been able to avoid having a tooth extracted, and can still use your tooth after root canal treatment. Call our office if you need to schedule an appointment.