Has your dentist recommended that you see an endodontist for a broken tooth? Once teeth are broken, their interior structures are under attack from bacteria, which causes cavities and inflamed root canals. Receiving root canal treatment and restorations can save your broken tooth from developing painful abscesses. This form of professional intervention prevents the need for the surgical removal of a tooth (extraction).
What is root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment is a tooth-saving procedure that allows patients to retain their natural teeth, even if they are badly damaged. The root canal is a part of a tooth’s anatomy. It is a hollowed area deep within the tooth that houses nerve endings and dental pulp.
In healthy teeth, the root canal is safe from bacteria and debris. When a tooth is badly decayed, chipped, or cracked, the root canal is at risk for developing an infection because it cannot fight off harmful oral bacteria and other irritants.
Infected root canals can develop painful infections called abscesses that can spread if a person doesn’t reserve professional treatment in a timely manner. Abscesses and other complications associated with infected root canals can lead to the need for tooth extractions if not treated with endodontic therapy (root canal treatment).
How is root canal treatment performed?
Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure that accesses the root canal using tiny tools. Then, the contents of the root canal (the nerve endings and pulp) are extracted. Once this step is complete, the root canal is cleaned and sealed with a compound called gutta percha, which protects the structural integrity of the inside of a tooth.
After root canal treatment is complete, patients might need a restoration such as a dental crown.
Will I be comfortable during my procedure?
Yes, comfort is a priority. Local anesthetics and nitrous oxide are used to maintain patient comfort. Our endodontist utilizes minimally invasive techniques to ensure a positive patient experience, too.
If you have been referred to our practice for root canal treatment, call Access Endodontics today to reserve an appointment with our team.